
Business Consulting
By Students

Who We Are.

J7 - the Group of leading European JEs

In 2017 seven Junior Enterprises among Europe decided to kick-off a longstanding project that brings each partner closer together and helps developing a real international expertise.
We are driven by a single ambition: to push back the limits of International Business for each Junior-Enterprise in order to spread the network of Juniors throughout Europe.
Junior Seven consist of the JEs:

Company Consulting Team e.V. from Berlin, Germany

ConQuest Consulting from Warsaw, Poland

Escadrille Toulouse Junior Conseil from Toulouse, France

JEME Bocconi Studenti from Milan, Italy

Junior Consulting Louvain from Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Junior Enterprise Genève from Geneva, Switzerland

Westminster Business Consultants from London, United Kingdom

Uniforce Consulting from Vienna, Austria

In 1988 the first of our J7-members were founded. Since then we reached an amazing acummulated results:


Talented Students


Completed projects


Different Clients

Company Consulting Team

The Presidency 2024

The J7 is represented by one International Manager from each Junior Enterprise. Together, they form the J7 Network.

Elia Sanjuan

President | Junior Enterprise Geneva

International Managers 2024

Magali Tales

Vice-President |ESCadrille Toulouse Junior Conseil

Henri Lobeau

Secretary General | Junior Consulting Louvain

Ricardo Keiling

Marketing Manager | CCT

Francesco Dalla Bona

Remote Event Manager | JEME Bocconi

Valentina Haueis

Remote Event Manager| uniforce

Josh Harvey

IT Manager | Westminster Business Consultants

Mateusz Trybalski

Marketing Manager | ConQuest Consulting

Our Process

Initial Enquiry

You want creative, innovative and profound ideas?

Get in touch with us over the contact formular below. After that, a meeting with you will be initialized. All International Managers will attend and try to help you with your request. We will discuss the next steps together.


After the initial meeting, we will put a project team out of 300 interdisciplinary students together. Each member of the team will fulfill your criteria and own useful skills which will contribute to the success of the project.


Based on the information provided during the initial meeting, our team prepares a far-reaching proposal. The proposal informs you about our approach and methodology. This includes an estimation of costs and time, including all milestones. The proposal will be developed in close cooperation with you, ensuring a real added value for your company.


Our Project Team will carry out the steps as agreed upon. During the project, we welcome close collaboration with you. The Project Leader will inform you regularly about the status quo, upcoming milestones and the overall state of the results.
Over the years the Junior Enterprise students have gotten in touch with lots of great projects and amazing partners. The areas of application were very diverse: from IT over market studies and strategies to process optimizations. Below are few of our references:

Get In Touch With Us

Contact J7
We will come back to you within 24h after your first request

Our Address

Our Email

Place des Doyens 1,
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique

Main Email: im@j-seven.eu
Inquiries: projects@j-seven.eu
