

Developing Its Activity Internationally

International development is one of top priorities for many companies, to adapt to the globalization phenomenon. Whether through E-Commerce or by setting up in foreign countries, international strategies are developing and are no longer exclusively reserved to large groups. Indeed, globalization and the development of online sales offer new opportunities for SMEs and entrepreneurial companies to diversify their market. However,...

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The New Ways Of Working

A J7 reflection on changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic within working environments as well as recruiting and hiring processes in the consulting industry. The world’s response to COVID-19 has resulted in the most rapid transformation of the work environment. Remote working has become the new normal and most people have managed to change their homes into improvised office spaces. Companies had to change the way they work as well.

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The Importance Of Being A Connected Company !

“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.” Stephen Hawking In an always more connected world, an online presence is essential for any company. Many consumers rely on the internet to find all the information they need in just a few clicks. In terms of visibility, websites and social media accounts are amazing showcases to present your services or the products you sell. In this article, we will...

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When In Lockdown, Let’s Open Virtual Doors

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the fastest acceleration in the digitalisation of our economy. BCG’s CEO Rich Lesser acknowledges that lockdowns are necessary, saying that there is a “very high correlation between the infection rate and economic activity”. Governments and consumers seem to agree, as retail has moved online at an astonishing speed, jeopardising small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and small in-person businesses in particular. All of us try to adapt to...

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Smart Working, Or How To Work Differently And Better

The evolution of our environment, including increasing digitalization, is leading to a need for organizational change within companies. In that context, we are witnessing the emergence of the "New Ways of Working" (NWoW), among which “Smart working”. This one enables people to choose when, where and how they work. The 2018 Global Talent Trends study by Mercer revealed 51% of employees want their company to offer more...

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What Is Market Analysis, And How To Do It Properly?

Running and expanding your business involves making meaningful and strategic decisions. To make the right one, it is essential to have a profound knowledge of your company's sector and its characteristics. Thus, it is imperative to possess tools that allow you to acquire such information. One of such tools is market analysis. In this article, we will expand on what it is and how to do it properly. You will find out about primary...

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The Brutal Digital Transformation Of Retail Businesses

With the booming of e-commerce and in the recent decade, digital transformation has established itself as the “rulers of the game” in the retail and distribution industry. Modern retail consumers have greater expectations than just a normal shopping experience, e-commerce has given consumers the pliability of purchasing any good and/or service at their disposal via virtual platforms. It has been observed that the consumer usage of...

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Maintaining Real Interactions In A Virtual World

We all know that a quality environment is necessary for a successful business. That goes through several variables: the mission, the values, the challenges and the good relations with the people you work with. Now that everybody is working from home, we observe a true lack of interactions which can impact the workers’ minds and hence their motivation. Indeed, before we had coffee breaks, lunch, chit-chat in the kitchen, chilling time in the office,...

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How Sustainability Has Impacted The Young Fashion Industry

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic shook the fashion industry to its core, there was already one factor putting the young fashion industry under significant duress: a drastic uptick in consumer demand for sustainable fashion. The sustainable fashion movement was born as a response to the fashion industry’s sordid history with the environment and advocates for an approach to manufacturing clothes in a way that minimizes the...

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